Outcomes the group wished to achieve set at the beginning of the project.
With the group’s support our community, together with their families and friends will have learnt how people lived, what their occupations were, how they farmed the land, who went to war and how they fared, who didn’t go to war and why, how their families were affected, how those left behind helped in the war effort, how they communicated with each other, what transport they used, what they learnt at school, what they ate. It will enhance their understanding of life in our three villages before during and after the First World War, so that heritage will have been brought to life and be something that the present generation can pass on to future generations.
Members of the group will have learnt new skills in cataloguing and scanning historical documents and photographs, carrying out interviews and oral history recordings, presentation, computer and other digital technology.
Members of the group and others involved, including the local schoolchildren and members of the community viewing the exhibitions and website will have had an enjoyable and rewarding experience and will have been able to celebrate the project’s achievements.
All those involved in the project will have volunteered their time, resources and expertise to share with others in the group and the wider community and will have developed a sense of purpose in contributing to heritage and society.
The heritage material for the three villages will be produced, displayed and saved in different types of media to enable all ages to interpret and gain an understanding of this time in history. It will be retained as a permanent resource for the future and will be available through a dedicated website which will open up the material to a wider audience.
“It was a privilege, as a visitor to be able to attend the WW1 Commemorations over Remembrance Weekend [November 2015]. The events were successful on so many levels – the solemnity of the occasion was so beautifully recognised during the dignity and reverance of the Sunday service when the new WW1 Memorial Plaque was dedicated, the evening performance of the WW1 drama demonstrated the wonderful and remarkable talents of many local people and was a poignant reminder of what the real picture was in our villages, then the exhibition with its fascinating and detailed displays so beautifully presented, all bore testimony to the group’s dedication and commitment to this project” comments written by a visitor, November 2015.