4th NorfolkFarm WorkerNeatisheadSurvived

Albert William Blake

Born in 1893 in Surlingham.  The family moved from Surlingham to The Lodge at Neatishead after 1911 where Albert and his family worked on Neatishead Hall Farm the home of the Nicholson family.  Albert returned from military service with the Norfolks to live in Neatishead and married Rosina Brock in 1922.

Details on the Memorial Plaque: Private 1/4th Norfolk – Survived

Military service: 4th Norfolk

Service no:  203116 & 623061

Lifespan: 1893 – 1971

Occupation: Farm Worker

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2 thoughts on “Albert William Blake

  • Mary Edna Blake

    The facts as stated above are incorrect:
    Albert Blake was my father Frederick James Blake’s brother and my Uncle. I am Mary Edna Blake.

    Alber Blake was a farm worker 1914 when they moved from Surlingham to Neatishead Hall Farm the home of the Nicholson family. They lived at The Lodge.

    Albert Blake also farmed fields in Neatishead in my childhood 1943 – t0 1953. Albert owned 2 cottages he and Rosina lived in one let the other to the Cutting family he also owned marshland behind them in Water Lane in Neatishead. We cycled to their home from Martham in my childhood.
    Albert Blake and Rosina moved to Meadow Way in Hellesdon in 1960’s.

    Albert Blake and Rosina Brock had two daughters Mary who married Reggie Flint and Lived on the Cromer Road, Norwich. they had a daughter Linda and Marjory who married Pip Sloper they had a
    daughter Leslie.

    • Claire

      Dear Mary
      Many thanks for this information. We were in fact in contact last November when you emailed me and we had an interesting conversation on the phone. I will look more closely at the information you have sent during the next week or so an be in touch again.
      Kind regards

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